October Moments Fall into Education By November 21, 2023 Share Page Diving into a world of knowledge together. Diving into a world of knowledge together. Get ready to dive into the world of books like never before! Get ready to dive into the world of books like never before! Students putting together fantastic costumes to embody a book character. Students putting together fantastic costumes to embody a book character. Second-grade showing off their creative spirit and celebrate the magical world of books. Second-grade showing off their creative spirit and celebrate the magical world of books. Students wear red to support and commit to healthy choices. Students wear red to support and commit to healthy choices. Wear red and prioritize your health. Wear red and prioritize your health. STEAM life at Ravensworth. STEAM life at Ravensworth. Ms. Ruiz celebrating and sharing her heritage. Ms. Ruiz celebrating and sharing her heritage. Teamwork and problem solving during the 6th-grade field trip. Teamwork and problem solving during the 6th-grade field trip. Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success. - Henry Ford Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success. - Henry Ford Working together Working together Exploring the wonders of the universe at Science Night! Exploring the wonders of the universe at Science Night! From microscope marvels to cosmic adventures, Science Night was a blast! From microscope marvels to cosmic adventures, Science Night was a blast! In the lab or under the stars, our volunteers made Science Night shine bright! In the lab or under the stars, our volunteers made Science Night shine bright! A night filled with awe and wonder! A night filled with awe and wonder! PreviousNext Features October Happenings October 24, 2022 October Happenings